The closest relatives gathered tonight at the funeral home set up at the hospital in Senigallia (Ancona) for Mattia Luconi, the 8-year-old boy who died in the flood that hit the Anconetano on the night between 15 and 16 September last. .

The funeral is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon in the church of Santa Maria Assunta in Barbara, and on the same day the city mourning was proclaimed in San Lorenzo in Campo (Pesaro Urbino) where the child lived with his mother Silvia Mereu, originally from Urzulei, and his father Tiziano. Mourning also in Castelleone di Suasa, where the car in which mother and son were sitting was overwhelmed by the wave of water and mud.

The presence of the municipal administrations of Trecastelli, where Mattia's body was found, and of Arcevia where he will be buried, was announced at the ceremony.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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