Benedict XVI's health conditions remain "stable", reports a source directly from the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery.

At the moment no further details have been leaked, but it is known that the Pope emeritus continued this morning too, in his room and with all the difficulties of a still serious clinical picture, to participate in mass , concelebrating it with Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, wearing a light stole over his hospital gown.

The four memores domini and the nurse Fra Eligio continue to form around Ratzinger, kept under constant medical supervision, a cordon of security and continuous assistance.

It had been known for some time that Benedict XVI's health conditions were not the best, the alarm went off two days ago, when Pope Francis, at the end of the general audience in the Vatican , announced that Ratzinger "is very ill" and invited all the faithful to "pray for him" .


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