
Auto carabinieri generica
Auto carabinieri generica

They lure elderly people on the web, obtain intimate videos and blackmail them: a gang defeated in Sardinia

Eleven people were referred, one person had to pay thousands of euros to avoid the release of a video

Delayed flight and missed connection, odyssey for Cullin's show: «Ita guarantee? But ita guarantee!»

The actor from Cagliari stuck in Fiumicino, tonight the show on stage in Turin: «If it goes well we'll get to the last one, we'll change on board»

An archive with 2 thousand photos of children (including newborns), 65 year old on trial for child pornography

The man is also accused of having filmed a 14-year-old who frequented his home, filming her while she was taking a shower
Incendio a Selargius (foto vigili del fuoco)
Incendio a Selargius (foto vigili del fuoco)
The fire

Selargius, fire in the countryside: flames in a materials warehouse

In the locality of Pitz'e Planu, the police are investigating
L'aereo bloccato (foto Satta)
L'aereo bloccato (foto Satta)
to the Costa Smeralda

Olbia, bomb alert on the plane: passengers evacuated and checks on the runway

The Eurowings flight came from Cologne, the (return) alert was triggered during the crossing
Claudio Zago arrestato per peculato
Claudio Zago arrestato per peculato
the investigation

Money from municipal coffers to invest in cryptocurrencies: a former mayor arrested

The former mayor of Ardauli, Claudio Zago, allegedly made 650 thousand euros disappear from the coffers of Nughedu Santa Vittoria and Bidonì when he was an official in the town hall
L'attrezzatura sequestrata (foto Guardia costiera)
L'attrezzatura sequestrata (foto Guardia costiera)
In the night

Asinara, two divers caught with ten kilos of fish in a protected area: complaint and seizure triggered

The fish was then donated to a non-profit organization involved in child reception and recovery activities
Pronto soccorso ospedale San Francesco Nuoro (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
Pronto soccorso ospedale San Francesco Nuoro (archivio L'Unione Sarda)
The crash

Posada, tries to save the cow that escaped onto the provincial road: hit by a motorbike, it's serious

The victim was a young worker on a farm, thrown into the air after the violent impact
Un dettaglio della mappa dell'assalto eolico alla Sardegna con i progetti presentati nell'Isola, in terra e in mare, elaborata dalla Soprintendenza Speciale del Pnrr (L'Unione Sarda)
Un dettaglio della mappa dell'assalto eolico alla Sardegna con i progetti presentati nell'Isola, in terra e in mare, elaborata dalla Soprintendenza Speciale del Pnrr (L'Unione Sarda)

«Industrial landscape instead of the Sardinian one»

The Ministry is no longer able to upload the projects presented after the presentation of the Region's bill
Il nuraghe di Barumini e pannelli fotovoltaici
Il nuraghe di Barumini e pannelli fotovoltaici
the assault

The constraints do not block 24 hectares of solar panels near the Barumini palace

The TAR rejects the appeal of the Municipality, which clashed with the presidency of the Council of Ministers for the maxi plant in Tuili: the significant "archaeological interest" of the Turriga nuraghe is not enough
Presidio sanitario Cisom all'Asinara (foto Pala)
Presidio sanitario Cisom all'Asinara (foto Pala)
first aid

Asinara: medical service activated from June to September

The agreement stipulated by the Municipality of Porto Torres, the Local Health Authority of Sassari, Cisom, the Park Authority, the Coastal Conservation Agency and the Harbor Office
Bacini a secco in Sardegna
Bacini a secco in Sardegna
the emergency

Drought, Sardinian geologists reject watermakers: «Let's use groundwater»

With a note from the Order, the experts ask to participate in the strategic table in the Region

«Wind farm in Maracalagonis compatible with the territory»: the copy and paste says so

The project documents for 17 huge shovels reassure the population of the benefits. But the analyzes are partly identical to the proposal for a plant in Puglia. The technicians: «Low impact on the skyline»
I Giardini Pubblici di Sassari animati dal Festival Bardunfula (foto concessa)
I Giardini Pubblici di Sassari animati dal Festival Bardunfula (foto concessa)
fifth edition

Positive outcome for the three days of Bardunfula Fe' in Sassari

In the coming months the literary festival for girls and boys will move to other centers in the Province
L’assessora regionale al Lavoro, Desirè Manca, presenta il programma (foto Melis)
L’assessora regionale al Lavoro, Desirè Manca, presenta il programma (foto Melis)

Inclusion and work for people with disabilities: the Region's new three-year plan is underway

There are five million euros available plus six million left unused by the previous council
Le ambulanze sul posto (foto Manca)
Le ambulanze sul posto (foto Manca)
at the crossroads

Accident on the 130 at the entrance to Decimomannu: three injured in code red

They are two women and a 12 year old girl: the crash occurred at a stop sign
Una postazione dell'autovelox in via Nazionale (foto Scano)
Una postazione dell'autovelox in via Nazionale (foto Scano)
the controls

Summer is upon us, speed cameras in action in Carbonia

In four areas the traffic police patrol to detect speed
Lo sgombero del campo rom (foto Floris)
Lo sgombero del campo rom (foto Floris)

Sassari, illegal landfill: four indictments

The investigation started from the discovery of illicit waste trafficking
La nave "Sara D" della Delcomar in servizio all'Asinara (foto Pala)
La nave "Sara D" della Delcomar in servizio all'Asinara (foto Pala)

Connections with the smaller islands: a window opens up for Asinara

Currently the transport is carried out by way of exception by the company led by Franco Del Giudice until June 30th with the motor vessel "Sara D"
L'aeroporto di Cagliari (L'Unione Sarda)
L'aeroporto di Cagliari (L'Unione Sarda)

Airport to private individuals, new blitz for the merger today

The Chamber of Commerce Board has been convened for yet another privatization attempt