He says that one of the measures that have made him most proud since he has been at the helm of Cagliari is the one that for two years has allowed people with very serious disabilities to spend four hours at the seaside, at Poetto, like anyone else (thanks to the Municipality's project with the Army which is called the Terrace of Pier). But then when he reels off the Tari data, he almost lights up: «Together with Rovigo, we are the only city in Italy that has lowered the Tari in the last four years: -15%».

Paolo Truzzu gathers the group and the base of Fratelli d'Italia in a hotel in Cagliari to take stock of his years as mayor of Cagliari. He does it to talk about how the city has changed (300 million reasons is the theme of the meeting) but many think that it is also an opportunity to understand if he will officially announce his candidacy for the presidency of the Region.
He, however, glosses over when they ask him if he will be the leader for the centre-right, and he also does so when Salvatore Deidda, FdI parliamentarian and president of the Transport commission in the Chamber, offers him assistance: «After the great work done on Cagliari It is legitimate for Paolo Truzzu to be a candidate for leadership of the Region."

The mayor instead answers everything on the construction sites open in the city, on the redevelopment of Poetto, on the new public lighting system, on the issue of waste. An hour to illustrate "the many things done for the city" with those 300 million euros of investments, "leaving out many others". He greets by reiterating that «even if some ribbons», to inaugurate works, «we will not cut them, this will not be a problem. Because whoever manages a city does so with one objective: to improve things for citizens and not to put a medal on their chest. We started in 2019 with the idea of changing Cagliari, our goal is to leave a better city for those who come after us."

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