For the moment, Luigi Piras, the 76-year-old stopped by the police for the murder of Antonio Pisu, the 79-year-old building contractor killed with four gunshots yesterday morning in a building in via Agricola in Monserrato, has chosen the path of silence.

Piras, transferred to the Uta prison, is accused of voluntary murder. The Cagliari teacher did not explain why he killed the owner of the house where he had lived for years and from which he did not want to leave even with an eviction order from the judge, nor how exactly things went on that tragic morning. of yesterday.

Between the two, this is the hypothesis of the investigators, yet another quarrel about the apartment and the rent could have broken out. Someone, on the street, claimed that the tenant had been in default for some time, others, on the other hand, who complained about the lack of work to solve the continuous infiltration of water and an excess of humidity in the walls. However, everyone remembers the long discussions with always very bright tones.

THE RECONSTRUCTION - According to those who investigated yesterday morning, in the excited moments before the fatal shots, there could have been a struggle in which Piras was having the worst. At that point, the 76-year-old grabbed a gun he kept hidden in the fridge and opened fire, taking the victim by surprise. Four shots fired from close range.

Marcello Pisu, figlio della vittima (foto L'Unione Sarda - Ungari)
Marcello Pisu, figlio della vittima (foto L'Unione Sarda - Ungari)
Marcello Pisu, figlio della vittima (foto L'Unione Sarda - Ungari)

A witness, even if unfortunately arrived too late, is one of Pisu's sons, Marcello. The man lives in the apartment next to the crime scene and when he heard the screams he was thrown into it in a second. He managed to disarm Piras, even punch him and then immobilize him but, above all, he had the clarity necessary to place the weapon on a shelf and wait, together with a worker from the nearby construction site, for the police to arrive.

For the father, however, there was nothing to do.

AUTOPSY - Today the prosecutor Gaetano Porcu, who coordinates the investigations, will entrust the autopsy to Dr. Roberto Demontis and the examination will be performed the same day. Demontis himself yesterday carried out an external examination on the body of the impresario, finding the four gunshot wounds: three reached the chest, one the neck.

This last shot would be the first to explode, then Piras would have pressed the trigger three more times in rapid succession, only to be disarmed by the construction contractor's son. The interrogation to validate the detention will also be scheduled in the next few hours.

(Unioneonline / D)

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