The battle of the mayors of the Nuoro area against the Gomoretta wind farm arrives in Parliament .

The Sardinian deputies of the center-left have in fact filed a motion to ask the Meloni government to revoke the authorization for the project granted by the previous executive led by Mario Draghi.

The same letter asks Rome "not to authorize other projects that could interfere with the Einstein Telescope ", i.e. the gravitational wave observatory that could be built in the Sos Enattos area , if Sardinia wins competition from the Dutch region of Limburg, another site in contention for the realization of the project.

«Einstein Telescope is an unrepeatable opportunity for Sardinia», explain the promoters of the motion, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, Movimento 5 Stelle and Democratic Party .

«The area of Sos Enattos, in Lula, – they add – is in fact a huge opportunity for the area and for the island as a whole. We are talking about an investment volume of over 4.5 billion, 36,000 jobs in nine years , with effects on the industrial sector in the sectors of precision mechanics, plant safety and automation».
«The Sos Enattos area – add the Sardinian deputies – was identified precisely thanks to the exceptional seismic "silence" that characterizes it, but unfortunately, in its last Council of Ministers, the Draghi Government authorized the project, which insists on those territories and is completely incompatible with the observatory". Hence the request to revoke the authorization.

The document also commits the Government to adequately support and finance the creation of the observatory, as the Dutch Government is doing with the region of Limburg, a direct competitor of Sardinia.
Finally, the motion also proposes setting up an inter-institutional table, aimed at defining a buffer zone in which it is not possible to install renewable energy systems that could jeopardize the implementation of the Einstein Telescope project in the Sos Enattos area, but to facilitate installation in more suitable areas.
"We would have liked - as announced - to sign a joint motion with colleagues from the majority, but after a long negotiation that saw us in favor of signing their text, they decided to deposit the document without involving us", commented the deputies and deputies who signed the motion. And they conclude: «We are confident that this division will not affect the final result and that the Government will commit itself to having the Einstein Telescope built in Sardinia».

In recent days, the Minister for University and Research, Anna Maria Bernini , spoke on behalf of the Government of the Sardinian candidacy to host the Einstein Telescope, assuring "maximum commitment and support" to the Island's candidacy.


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