Andrea Massa's words break the silence in the naves of the Sacro Cuore church, in Quartu Sant'Elena: «My brother was a great worker. Work was the lighthouse of his life."

There were no words of accusation at the funeral of Raffaele Massa, the 50-year-old who died in the workplace accident at the canal port in Cagliari last Saturday. Now is only the time of pain and remembrance.

Many arrived to greet this big boy with a smile always on his face. “Our superhero,” said a friend. A gentle giant, always cheerful and available to everyone. Among the first pews, orange jackets and tears on their faces, are Grendi's colleagues, the same ones who at the end of the celebration carry the light walnut coffin covered with white and red roses on their shoulders. The cry "go Raffaele" follows the coffin to the cemetery.

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