"All the serious situations that are occurring in Healthcare derive from a law that has prohibited those who are not vaccinated, even if they have a negative tampon, from using public transport, a crazy rule that is creating discrimination against healthy people and innocent ". Thus MEP Francesca Donato, a former member of the League, reached by telephone, returns to the topic that two days ago involved an unvaccinated mother who risks not being able to see her daughter, the newborn transferred urgently due to serious problems with health with a military flight from Alghero to Genoa to the Gaslini pediatric hospital.

The European parliamentarian declares that she will continue to denounce these facts, to ensure that not only the single case of the mother who risks not hugging her child is resolved, but other episodes that occur daily in hospitals and beyond. “We cannot continue with buffer measures, derogatory measures to deal with various situations - adds Francesca Donato - but the government must take note that this law violates the fundamental rights of citizens, first of all the right to free movement established by the Constitution. Therefore, in the face of this data, if the national government does not intervene soon, the legal actions that are multiplying will nail the competent ministry and the Prime Minister's office to their responsibility ”.

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