The autopsy on the body of Alessio Madeddu, the chef killed Wednesday evening in his restaurant "Sabor'e Mari" in Teulada, is scheduled for this morning at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Monserrato by the expert Roberto Demontis on assignment assigned by pm Rita Cariello. Also today, the hearing to validate the arrest has been set for Angelo Brancasi, the baker who confessed to the murder and who is in Uta prison.

When he was questioned he told everything: “He was having an affair with my wife”, that's why he went to the Madeddu club, to clarify the situation, but the discussion ended in a tragic way.

During the quarrel, Brancasi pulled out a knife - this is the version reconstructed so far -, hit the chef who in turn tried to defend himself with a hatchet, the baker would have struck several blows and then got into the car and walked away while the wounded he remained on the ground in a pool of blood in a futile attempt to seek help.

She, the disputed woman, does not want to speak. He is 15 younger than Madeddu and worked in the fish farm, the one made famous by Alessandro Borghese's “4 Restaurants” program.

The body will be returned to the family for the funeral only at the end of all the investigations.


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