Going to school from Sinnai , Maracalagonis and Settimo becomes almost an undertaking. With inconveniences that are not lacking even in returning home. Victims were the students of these municipalities who attend the Pythagoras high school in Selargius, the schools of Pitz'e Serra or the Marconi Institute. But also those who have to reach the hotel and other high schools of Cagliari and Monserrato.

Bus overcrowded and outdated by time . The protest of students and family members grows. Fortunately, in the midst of this third world scoreboard, there is still some good news. The director of the ARST, Carlo Poledrini, announces: "We know the situation well. I understand the inconvenience of the children. However, I announce that by December new buses will arrive that will eliminate the current discomforts ".

Giacomo Giovanni Manis , representative of the students of the Lyceum Pitagora di Selargius and representative of the same Institute in the Provincial Student Council of Cagliari, speaks of the inefficiencies found in the Municipalities of Sinnai, Settimo and Maracalagonis with the means of Arst. "In the early morning, on the Maracalagonis-Sinnai-Settimo-Selargius-Cagliari route - says the student - there is a bus that leaves from Maracalagonis (direction Selargius) at 7.12 and a second one that leaves from Via Roma di Sinnai (always direction Selargius) at 7.20. It often happens that the second bus does not arrive, with the first one filling up disproportionately. Sometimes it arrives 30 minutes late on the scheduled time. Consequently, we arrive at school when lessons have already begun ”.
It does not go better on the other routes when , at the end of the lesson, you have to go home . For the students of the Lyceum Pitagora di Selargius, the departure is scheduled in Via 1 Maggio, at 13.38. “The timetable - comments Giacomo Giovanni Manis again - is never respected . The expected bus is only one. Articulated buses with more seats rarely arrive. Great difficulties and inconveniences also on the 119 direct line to the Pitz'e Serra Institutes and on the direct bus to the Marconi Institute, often non-existent or too full to take a seat ". In short, a situation of hard discomfort. All that remains is to wait for the new buses announced by ARST for December.

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