He survived the terrible Covid years unscathed. Scholars from all over the world, Americans and Thais in particular, follow her to try to understand the secret of longevity.

He remembers events from other times, the war years, recites poetry and prayers in Sardinian, with a disarming clarity, as well as commenting on current events. She is Marghine's grandmother, Pietrina Niola, who turned 104 today in Silanus .

She is the mother of 9 children and a large group of grandchildren. Widow for 22 years of thiu Michelino Madeddu, with whom she raised a beautiful family with sacrifices and dignity. He lives in his usual home, in the heart of the historic center. He reads newspapers, informs himself about what is happening in his country, in Sardinia and in the world, as well as following various television programmes. Yesterday was visiting day. Of the party.

The post office officials came, where he has a current account, the municipal administrators came, his sons and daughters, his grandchildren and many relatives and friends came.

It's a big celebration for the entire town, where Thia Pietrina is not the only one over one hundred years old. This time whoever toasts his health does not recite the usual phrase of occasion, "A Chent'Annos", but a simple "a s'annu chi enidi". See you next year, to celebrate 105 years.

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