Scano Montiferru: tia Elena Pes turns 100, the community celebrates
A housewife, she raised her family with great commitment and tenacityPer restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
Once again Scano Montiferru confirms itself as a land of centenarians: the entire community is celebrating the century of life of grandma tia Elena Pes. She blew out her hundred candles just last Friday, January 24, thanks to a healthy diet and that arcane elixir of long life that the grandparents of Montiferru jealously guard. Tia Elena celebrated her centenary with the love and affection of her loved ones: her daughter Pierina Motzo and her grandchildren and the entire population of Scano.
A housewife, she raised her family with great commitment and tenacity, overcoming the painful pain of the premature death of her two sons. She still has a good temperament and lives at her daughter's house, who takes care of her.
Mayor Antonio Flore Motzo and parish priest Don Alessio Picconi honored the little old lady with a special plaque for the prestigious milestone. The mayor with an affectionate dedication: «In a short time our community found itself celebrating two centenaries, a sign of blessing, hope, perseverance and dedication for all of us».