From today and until a solution to the problem of missing staff is found, admissions and access of patients are suspended in some units of the San Francesco hospital in Nuoro . A situation that has already emerged in recent days with a report from the professional operators of the tenth floor.

The complete communication reads: "Following the communication from the Head of the Geriatrics UOC that at the moment reports an insufficient number of doctors to be able to guarantee basic levels of care (only 3 medical managers, Head included and over 40 patients hospitalized), also given the serious shortage of medical personnel also in the Medicine department (currently 6 dm plus Head of which only 4 shift workers and over 30 patients) for a total supply in both departments of 40 beds (nursing staff and OSS proportional to this equipment and lacking), with the share of SARS-CoV-2 positive patients in support at the Infectious Diseases Unit and the 10th floor, the presence at the Emergency Department of patients waiting of hospitalization, the guarantee of the only night, pre-holiday and holiday interdivisional guard for the two departments, on the instructions of the Director of the POU, we inform you that from today's date and up to resolution of In the event of oversaturation and / or integration of missing personnel, the admissions and admissions of patients with internal problems to the Geriatrics, Medicine and First Aid Units of the PO S. Francesco are temporarily suspended . Therefore, we ask that we want to ensure that patients with internal problems who need, or there is a suspicion that they need, hospitalization in the aforementioned Operating Units, are transported to other Hospitals. It will be the responsibility of this Presidium Department to inform the subjects in address of the resumption of hospitalization activities ". The signature is that of the medical director of the POU-ASL Nuoro management, Antonella Tatti.

THE CLARIFICATION - “The management of the ASL n. 3 of Nuoro, in order to better specify the purposes of the communication itself and avoid misleading and alarmist interpretations, intends to specify the following:
• The Emergency Department of the San Francesco Hospital is always open to external access and continues to guarantee services;
• Precisely in order to guarantee the emergency-urgency service it was considered appropriate, as happens in all public health facilities in the rest of Italy, to temporarily suspend hospitalizations in geriatrics and medicine in order to be able to discharge discharged patients and then once again have the opportunity to welcome new entries;
• In any case, the San Francesco di Nuoro Hospital continues to guarantee, in all its operating units, the Essential Levels of Assistance, thanks to the recognized professionalism and spirit of
self-denial and service of its operators ".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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