House arrest for Giovanni Spanu, the 74-year-old pensioner from Cabras arrested on Tuesday for the attempted murder of a neighbor. The provision of judge Silvia Palmas arrived after the validation hearing and the guarantee interrogation.

The pensioner, defended by the lawyer Giovanni Trimarchi, in front of the prosecutor Valerio Bagattini reconstructed the dispute with the neighbor Pasqualino Ledda arguing that by hitting him with the billhook he wanted to intimidate him but certainly not reach extreme consequences. He recalled that excited morning, when after parking in front of the house (bumping into parked vehicles) he allegedly had a quarrel with the neighbours.

Then the situation degenerated and in a moment of great tension he took the billhook and hit his neighbor Pasqualino Ledda, 53, who ended up in hospital with a head wound (judged to be healable in 7 days). Spanu was immediately arrested; in the evening the decision of the magistrate who granted house arrest in a house outside Cabras, far from via Donizetti where the dispute took place.

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