«I have no justification after such an act, but it is right that whoever has to take responsibility. I recognize my mistakes and I am aware of the consequences that there will be, but that doesn't mean you have to embroider them with false information in order to make me pass for the person I am not".

This concludes the long letter written by the student of the Alberghiero Azuni of Pula who hit a classmate on the head with a shovel during recess on 6 February ( here the news with all the details ): the young man was taken to the hospital with deep head wounds, judged to be healable in 15 days.

An episode, reported by the father of the seventeen year old attacked. The school council has decided: 45 days of suspension for the manager. The expulsion could have come, but it didn't happen. Perhaps the serious episode could have been avoided. It wasn't "bullying". The context is delicate. And the protagonist, who does not seek justifications, wants to tell the outlines. Here is his letter.

“I have read all the news about it and I am convinced that it is necessary to clarify some aspects. I assume that I am a boy who suffers from an antisocial personality disorder diagnosed following a previous diagnosis of ADHD. I want to clarify that this premise was made to give a complete picture of the situation, not as a means to justify my actions.
My relationship with the victim has always been turbulent, we were in the same class for the first two years at the hotel management school in Pula. We have never put up with each other. Towards the end of the second year a class assembly was held where due to personal differences I left the class to find the calm and serenity I needed to face the situation. On my return to class, a new problematic point had been added to the blackboard to be reported on the report, the point in question for a trivial disagreement was "problems between classmates".
I preferred to show my dissent with facial expressions, but evidently it wasn't enough to satisfy some of my companions. At this point a dispute arose for reasons I cannot specify, I was accused of verbally exceeding the civil limit. At that point I got overwhelmed by emotions, and I threw desks against the wall, against nobody else but the wall. The first point to clarify is this: I have never thrown a bench against my partner.
On Monday my hands started to sweat despite being cold, my vision went out of focus, and those were the signs of my physical and psychological failure. My family was called but advised not to pick me up. Shortly before the second recreation which begins at 12:15, I left the classroom accompanied by an educator (replacement of my educator, who according to some teachers would have been selected among many), I passed in front of a class in which I heard the victim scream and stomp. At that point I exploded, saw nothing again, went downstairs and took a gardening tool from the inner garden from the second door to the institute entrance. Several teachers have seen me, even one has asked me: "who do you have to hit?".

I went up undisturbed without anyone telling me anything and we all know the rest of the story. I don't come from a disadvantaged family, nor am I, I have no justifications after such an act, but it is right that the school takes its responsibilities, I recognize my mistakes and I am aware of the consequences that will arise but not for this must be embroidered on top with false information in order to make me pass for the person I am not”.


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