In the end "Giorgia" sent them to a press conference even though the Council of Ministers was still underway. In front of the notebooks of Palazzo Chigi they did not show up holding hands, despite the presidential input being eloquent: deny any clash, controversy or division. On one side Francesco Lollobrigida, "Lollo" in the family, Minister of Agriculture, on the other Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security.

The clash in the shadow

For days the underworld of politics and photovoltaic business had been at open war, with a draft Law Decree that had gone viral in the agricultural fields and among the photovoltaic "lords" ready to overwhelm and overturn the fertile and productive lands of half of Italy with blows of silicon panels. On the one hand the alarm over agricultural fields transformed into sunshades, destined to be devoured by the shadow of business, on the other the speculators of the day worried about being swept away by common sense and a sense of responsibility towards the environment and nature.

Facade peace

The positions were opposite, despite the declarations of peace and "serenity" in favor of cameras. The Legislative Decree being examined by the Council of Ministers, moreover, had an access title for the agenda that did not reveal feelings of guilt towards the sun fixers: «Urgent provisions for agricultural, fishing and aquaculture businesses, as well as for businesses of national strategic interest». And that the provision had the most significant political weight can be seen from the signatories: the President of the Council of Ministers, the Ministers of Agriculture - Food Sovereignty and that of "Business and Made in Italy". 'Energy, article six of that omnibus decree dedicated to the care of the fields. The rule with which the "agricultural-energy" theme ends up on the Government's agenda is trenchant : the absolute ban on installing photovoltaic panels on agricultural land.

Circle & barrel

The measure being examined by the executive is a shot at the rim and one at the barrel. On the one hand, a ban on "photovoltaic sowing" is introduced, then, however, it is stated that the projects already presented will be safe. You can sense from a mile away that tensions are undermining both above and below the panels. There are billion-dollar interests, under-the-table commitments , clear agreements with large European groups and diplomacies, all aimed at satisfying the greed of the speculators of the sun and the wind, are written with the scalpel attentive to "solar" affairs and the megaphone of propaganda aimed at the people of the fields. The law aims to hit and undermine a part of the Simplification Decree of the Draghi Government, the one closest to the large international lobbies of wind and solar affairs, which will ultimately be confirmed for much of its initial text, adds few lines, but exhaustive to the Decree of the "banker of Europe", who became Prime Minister due to the trust received and the applause of world finance. Five exhaustive lines, capable of marking, without firing a shot, the double insult for Sardinia: « The classified areas . agricultural areas from the current urban planning plans are areas not suitable for the installation of photovoltaic systems with modules placed on the ground referred to in article 6-bis, letter b) of the legislative decree of 3 March 2011, n. 28. The authorization procedures in progress on the date of entry into force of this decree are concluded in accordance with the previous legislation ". Read like this, the provision would also seem to go in the right direction, that of stopping the photovoltaic invasion of agricultural fields. In reality, that text, even if the final one is not yet known, the result of the filings of Palazzo Chigi, tells another story. The "Sardinian" reading of that draft, confirmed from every point of view in Lollobrigida's press conference yesterday, establishes three cornerstones: 1) the Government chooses the "urban planning" path for a decree that aims to block photovoltaic in the areas agricultural; 2) the projects already presented are without prejudice and will be evaluated without any prohibitions whatsoever, with the previous regulations; 3) the choice of the "territorial government" path applies only to the ordinary Regions, given that the "urban planning" competence for Sardinia is exclusive, sanctioned by a constitutional provision. The first two pillars of the "agricultural-urban-energy" measure are the confirmation that Sardinia suffers a double mockery: on the one hand it will not be able to benefit from the state "ban" and on the other the Regions are safeguarded, mainly those in the north and center Italy, where very few projects have been presented in the face of an avalanche that is overwhelming Sardinia first of all. The decision to "safeguard" the projects already deposited with the Ministry, and also those at the regional level, constitutes a low blow for the South, an aberrant principle with which the projects presented disproportionately are protected, without any criteria or rules of reference, effectively endorsing the Wild West of energy speculators.

“Protected” Sardinia

In Sardinia, however, even that provision that "protects" early solar deals, those that have hoarded project protocols, has no value. That "urban planning" law, just launched with immediate effect by the Meloni Government, cannot be applied on the island. To "protect" the Sardinian territory from business and, in this case, state "incursions", there is, in fact, a constitutional provision which assigns to the Sardinian Region, with article 3 of the «Autonomous Statute of Sardinia», the primary and exclusive competence in "urban planning" matters.

Save the "untouched"

If on the one hand the Government saves the "untouched" regions, those with few or no solar projects, on the other it traces an "institutional" path from which the new regional council will not be able to escape: blocking the wind and photovoltaic onslaught with a "urban planning law", immediate, urgent and effective, the only one capable, without useless frills and specious wastes of time, of stopping the planned and planned havoc on the Sardinian territory. Moreover, with this "urban planning" move by the State, Sardinia risks turning into a real "grey" area, the only one increasingly open to the invasion of fixers and speculators.

Now it's a must

An obligatory path, unless we want to endorse the devastation of the island both in terms of photovoltaic and wind energy, postponing the unrealistic blockade of the invasion until the definition, perhaps in a few years, of planning tools, at that point useless and subservient to the will of the State, as had happened with the Landscape Plan with which the landscape power had been handed over with impunity to the offices of Rome, the same one that the implementation rules had clearly assigned to the Region. Now, faced with this move by the Government, it is a question of understanding what the Regional Council will do. There are two roads. The first: seize the opportunity of the Government's "urban planning decree" and make a more complete legislative provision, including wind and photovoltaic energy, effectively causing the speculators' projects in Sardinia to lapse without wasting time. The second: pretend nothing happened, pursue a time-wasting rule and endorse the invasion of the island. Sardinia and the Sardinians will not stand by and watch.

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