Sardinia also took to the streets with five demonstrations for safety in the workplace and against unrelated deaths. And a strike, as in the rest of Italy, lasting four hours in the private sectors and eight in the construction sector.

The mobilization, already planned by CGIL and UIL for several weeks, comes two days after the disaster of the Suviana hydroelectric power plant , in Emilia Romagna.

The regional secretaries Fausto Durante (CGIL) and Francesca Ticca (UIL) participated in the demonstrations organized in Sassari, in Piazza Caduti del Lavoro, and in Nuoro, reiterating the reasons for the protest to the prefects of the two cities.

Two more sit-ins in Cagliari, in Piazza Palazzo, and in Oristano, in Via Beatrice D'Arborea.

In Portoscuso, in the industrial center of Sulcis, in the square in front of the Enel Grazia Deledda power plant, flags decorated in mourning, slogans ("Zero deaths at work") and banners. But above all, the latest data on accidents at work in Sardinia were brought to the attention of the prefectures.

Accident reports are increasing and four workers have already died at work on the island in the first months of this year, three in Cagliari and one in Sassari. Already one more than 2023.

In the month of February alone, there was a +17.6% increase in accidents reported to INAIL (there were 710 in February 2023, there are 835 this year), +6% in the data relating to the two-month period January-February, which includes a total of 1746 complaints (there were 1650 in the first two months of 2023).

«Every day three people don't come home from work - said Durante in Sassari - and nothing happens. We must rebel against this apathy. Point one: the time has come to introduce the crime of murder at work in Italy."

"It is unthinkable - said Simona Fanzecco, CGIL, after the document was delivered to the prefecture - that one no longer has the certainty of returning home after work."

Guido Sarritzu, regional secretary of Uil Sardinia, highlights the reasons for the protest, which are essentially three : «The first request is “zero deaths at work”. The second is a fair tax reform , because employees and pensioners pay over 90% of the Irpef revenue, while other economic categories continue to not pay up to 70% of the taxes due."

Guido Sarritzu
Guido Sarritzu
Guido Sarritzu

«Our third request – concludes Sarritzu – is, finally, to put the value of work back at the center of the economic and social policies of the government and businesses, starting from the renewal of national contracts and a law on representation ».


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