Two young people from Quartu from Flumini are allegedly responsible for the murder of Luca Mameli, the thirty-five year old from Capoterra who was stabbed to death at 5.30 this morning on the Poetto seafront in Quartu.


Interrogations are underway at the police station in Cagliari, with those arrested assisted by the lawyer Maria Teresa Mancosu. There may have been some admissions about what happened before and after the crime, while Mameli's heart stopped beating at the Brotzu hospital, where he was rushed due to a chest wound that proved to be lethal. The stab would have been inflicted at the height of a quarrel, perhaps started inside a club.


Firefighters and the local police of Quartu are at work in the area between the Marinella roundabout, on the seafront, and the final part of viale Colombo: according to what emerged here, it was most likely thrown into the water of the salt pans on murder weapon

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