Life sentence for Claudio Dettori also in Cassation. This is what the Supreme Court decided this afternoon, a few hours after the parties' discussions, confirming the sentence already imposed at first instance and in the appeal against the twenty-six year old from Sassari and rejecting the appeal.

Dettori is accused of killing, on the night of 22 April 2021, the bartender Antonio Fara in the latter's home in via Livorno in Sassari, a house where Dettori had been a guest for some time. According to the prosecution, the young man attacked the 47-year-old with kicks and punches, hit him with a frying pan, began to strangle him with the belt of a bathrobe and finally hit him on the skull with a hammer causing his death.

During the second degree proceedings Dettori was subjected to a psychiatric assessment, conducted by the psychiatrist Paolo Milia, which established his capacity to understand and desire at the time of the facts. The lawyer Giuseppe Onorato defended the accused, while the lawyers for the civil parties were Simone Pisano and Gian Mario Fois.

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