An exchange of Curare accusations took place in the regional council between the exponent of the Progressives, Massimo Zedda, and the regional councilor for Tourism, Gianni Chessa. The two have been at loggerheads ever since the first, as mayor of Cagliari, had taken away the responsibility for public works from the second. The disagreement was rekindled by an amendment to the Budget law, under discussion in the classroom, on 900 thousand euros to be allocated to the Mont'e Prama Foundation (5 had already been paid on Monday).

Zedda returned to the news published by L'Unione Sarda, which cast shadows on the management of the funds used for the promotion of the Giants. «It would seem that the Foundation's expenditure programme, contested in the press in recent days, is generated by the Chessa councillor's office, a format used for many initiatives», Zedda said in the courtroom, «if it is the councilor's office which generates the what the newspapers talk about, the subject changes, the foundations have nothing to do with it, but it is a matter entirely internal to the Region".

The exponent of the Giunta, solicited by the president Michele Pais, took the floor. And it exploded: «You're sick in the head», he snapped, «you're rotten inside. My name is not Massimo Zedda, and I didn't do what you did as mayor», he accused, and then added: «if you want, I'll tell you what you did, we're in the courtroom».

The commissioner added that «all the deeds of the councilorship are transparent, with Pec. We have given guidelines", he underlined in reference to the money for Giganti and Archeologika. Then the final jab, linked to the luxury watch that Zedda had been given as a gift when he was mayor by Qabus bin Said Al Said, the sultan of Oman who visited the Sardinian capital in 2012: «It was not me who returned the watch to the city after two years, if you remember.'

From here only chaos. With President Pais who was forced to suspend the session.

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