Investigations are underway to track down the perpetrators of the incendiary raid against the military command of the Army in Sardinia, in via Torino in Cagliari.

During the night , about twenty people threw a Molotov cocktail and balloons filled with red paint at the entrance, also lighting smoke bombs . So they disappeared.

After the blitz, the investigations began, with the Digos which also began to analyze the footage of the video surveillance cameras in the area, to look for useful clues to trace the perpetrators of the assault. From what is learned, at the moment the investigations are targeting exponents of the anarchist-antagonist groups.

THE REACTIONS - The episode aroused reactions of strong condemnation from the representatives of the institutions.

"A grave and cowardly gesture that offends the Army and the Defense", Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini defined it, adding: " We will certainly not be intimidated and I hope that the perpetrators of the action will soon be identified".

"My solidarity with the Regional Army Command of Cagliari for the serious arson and vandal attack last night. An unworthy gesture that offends an institution that has always been committed to defending our territory, citizens, our colors", the comment , on the other hand, by Elisabetta Casellati , president of the Senate.

"I express my deepest condemnation for the cowardly attack yesterday evening at the headquarters of the Army Command in via Torino in Cagliari", said Mayor Paolo Truzzu , underlining that it was a "hateful and useless gesture, especially because the men of the army are always close to the citizens, especially in the worst moments. I hope that those responsible will be promptly identified ".

Also for the governor Christian Solinas it is "a hateful gesture that offends the whole of Sardinia ", while the Fdi deputy Salvatore Deidda announces that he will bring the case to Parliament .

Even the regional Anpi "strongly condemns the attack" and makes it known that "it believes in the strength of democracy and believes that gestures like this are not compatible with the request, which the Anpi has also made, to stop military exercises in course in the seas and polygons of the south of the island ".

THE EVENT - Meanwhile, on Sunday, in Sant'Anna Arresi a demonstration against the military presence in Sardinia is scheduled, with the anti-militarists and independence parties in the square.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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