An initiative on the phenomenon of migration and multiculturalism . It is the GiSeSI project born in Cagliari , from an idea of the Arcipelago Sardegna association, to then develop, with the contribution of the municipalities of Iglesias and Carbonia , schools, organizations and associations, in the Sulcis-Iglesiente area which has become a research and investigation (GiSeSI is the acronym of “Young and Second Generations of Migrants in the Sulcis Iglesiente”).

Attention is paid to the perception that young people have of the migratory phenomenon . "The goal we want to achieve - explains Filippo Spanu, soul of Arcipelago Sardegna - is the creation of new local development opportunities in the Sulcis Iglesiente through the enhancement of the potential of young residents, especially those of the second generation of immigrant communities". The first results of the work were presented during a meeting in the conference room of the Fondazione di Sardegna.

RESEARCH - The starting point is the data on the presence of immigrants resulting from a survey by the Idos Study and Research Center which, with reference to 2020, shows a decrease in the number of foreigners present in the regional territory . There are 49,322, over three thousand less than the previous year (-5.7%), with an average incidence of 3.1% (the national one exceeds 8%). Furthermore, research was completed on second generation immigrants which «demonstrates – says Spanu – that there is a seed that is slowly sprouting . There are many young second-generation immigrants (incidence under the age of 30 is 40% against 22.4% of the same age group out of the total population), but they find it difficult to integrate. We need to achieve greater involvement of the immigrant population in the development of the island».

THE "WOOD OF REBIRTH" – From GiSeSI the idea took shape with which Manuel Murru and Francesco Fenu, former students of the Ferraris Institute of Iglesias, obtained two scholarships that will be used to buy the land on which it will be created the “Bosco della Rinascita” in the mining town . It will be a cemetery surrounded by greenery: «It will offer the possibility of commemorating loved ones – explain the architects of the project – in a natural environment. The ashes of the deceased, inside a biodegradable urn, will feed a young holm oak plant. The forest will keep alive the memory of those who are no longer there".

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