The last meeting this morning in the Prefecture with the prefect, the mayor of Cagliari, the local police and the police headquarters establishes a fixed point: the reservations to obtain the free pass to participate in the New Year's concert with Marco Mengoni at the Cagliari Fair go ahead. Because, for the moment, the maximum capacity has not been reached.

After overcoming the difficulty of the first day, when the booking site crashed, everything has been going smoothly for days. To date, approximately 16 thousand passes have been requested but availability, as is known, is at least 29 thousand (in the wake of the experience of the Vasco Rossi concert in June four years ago). There is time, therefore, for those who intend to participate. And anyone who obtains the pass (personal and non-transferable) will be guaranteed to enter and participate in the longest night of the year in Cagliari with the most important Italian singer of 2023, winner of the Sanremo festival and representative for Italy at the Eurovision.

The road system. Today's meeting was also used to iron out the final technical details related to safety (separate entrances, gate opening times, bans on bringing in fireworks, the safety plan) and traffic. In the next few hours the traffic plan will be officially communicated which should largely follow the scheme adopted for the Vasco Rossi concert. Translated: the median axis will undergo a reduction in roadway at Via Pessagno, anyone traveling along it towards the stadium will have to turn right towards Poetto (before Esperia, so to speak); the closure of viale Ferrara has been confirmed, from the stadium onwards, and also of viale Diaz, in the stretch between Amsicora and piazza dei Centomila.

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