Five mayors leave the chamber in protest. At the Union of Municipalities the ten mayors of Marghine, deeply divided, have taken a dead end. The political crisis, which began at the beginning of August, at this point appears irreversible, so much so that the organization risks paralysis.

This afternoon, in the meeting called for the approval of technical matters, which concerns the Anti-Violence Center and the Pnrr tenders, yet another conflict took place, which saw five mayors lined up in opposing factions against five mayors. On the one hand, those from Macomer, Borore, Bolotana, Sindia and Dualchi, who are calling for the president's head (the mayor of Silanus, Gian Pietro Arca), who left the room. On the other, the president, mayor of Silanus, supported by the mayors of Bortigali, Lei (absent this evening), Birori and Noragugume.

Tore Ghisu, mayor of Borore, speaks for all colleagues who ask for Arca's resignation, explaining the reasons: «We left the room to protest against a situation that exposes the institution to paralysis. In the assembly we made an initial statement, asking President Arca to take a step back and resign, because he is divisive and not legitimized. It is exposing the institution to ungovernability. There is no opposition to the topics under discussion, because they have already been discussed previously and widely shared. There is no unitary synthesis."

At that point the five mayors left the room, leaving the decisions and approval of the items on the agenda to the four remaining mayors, including the president Gian Pietro Arca. "I don't intend to take any steps backwards - says the president - I remain in my position, convinced that I have always acted to protect the interests of the Union of Municipalities and the entire territory". So five mayors against five mayors. A tug of war that exposes the Union of Municipalities to a dead-end crisis and therefore to paralysis.

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