In Li Punti, a large district on the northern outskirts of Sassari , the inhabitants of via Bachisio Boggio, Luigi Orecchioni and Primo Longobardo (over a thousand people) are exasperated: for two weeks they have been totally in the dark.
Engie, the company that manages public lighting in Sassari, was widely warned of the disruption. But the problem has not been fixed so far.

"In the last few days I have repeatedly urged Engie to intervene - explains the opposition municipal councilor Marco Dettori -. But apparently the disservice does not depend on the company that manages the public lighting. However, the residents are exhausted, some are even threatening legal action ».

Among other things, in via Orecchioni, the usual unknown persons, protected by darkness, set fire to a parked car a few days ago . Despite the prompt intervention of the firefighters, the vehicle was destroyed. Darkness certainly doesn't help security either and favors the bad guys, who are already particularly active in "normal" times.

This substantial part of Li Punti has therefore become in the last two weeks a place where it is very difficult to live. Fear is widespread among the residents and there are many who barricade themselves in their homes after dark.

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