After the test in Tuscany, the IT-alert system has also been launched in Sardinia today. The test of the public alarm took place around 12 with a high volume ringtone - different from all those used on one's mobile phone - and in theory all mobile phones should have been recipients of the test message.

However, several of our readers have reported that they have not received anything.

The experimentation of the system Italy is equipping itself with - aimed at alerting citizens in the event of an emergency - started last Wednesday in Tuscany and will continue gradually involving all the Regions and the autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano. The population is directly involved in order to raise awareness of the new system and verify its functioning in relation to the different types of telephone and operating systems and to collect information from users to implement the service.

Together with the alert, in fact, comes a link through which you can access the questionnaires to report anomalies.

Today the test touched Sardinia, July 5th will be Sicily's turn, Calabria on the 7th and Emilia Romagna on the 10th.


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