He defended himself vigorously before the judge, and answered all the questions that were posed to him, Pasquale Serra (61 years old, golfarancino) rejected the accusation of having wanted to kill Nela Codreanu and her husband by firing his speargun (the spear hit the woman on the head). "I reacted to save myself from an attack," said today the man heard by the investigating judge of Tempio Pausania for the validation of the arrest (the charge is attempted murder).

Serra said he grabbed his speargun after receiving several blows to the face and denied attempting to saturate his apartment with gas. The Codreanu instead claim to have entered the house of Serra sp come on because the man threatened to blow up the tank.

The events took place on Friday in Golfo Aranci . Serra's defenders, the lawyers Antonia Mele and Pietro Carzedda, filed the medical certificates attesting to the injuries on Serra's face. The arrest was validated and the prison measure was ordered for the man.

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