At stake is the cosmic silence in the bowels of the earth on the Gomoretta plateau. The territory is that of Bitti, one of the three cornerstones of the Einstein Telescope triangle, the most powerful terrestrial "ear" ever designed in the world to capture the hidden hisses of gravitational waves. In the judicial arena of Piazza del Carmine in Cagliari, seat of the Regional Administrative Court of Sardinia, there are three initial sworn enemies, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and a multinational, the Spanish Siemens Gamesa. All against all, the trial documents say. The Region against Palazzo Chigi and against the company that wants to stick the gigantic wind turbines in front of Mont'Albo, between Bitti and Lula, right above the "cosmic" mine of Sos Enattos. Initially the Government was aligned against the Region, in support of the Spanish wind fighters. Now, the Meloni-branded executive, after having retracted its support for the Draghi decree, distances itself from the multinational and supports the Region in the defense of that proscenium of eagles and mountains, in the heart of Barbagia. The public hearing is solemn, President Marco Lensi, Speaker Gabriele Serra, which took place yesterday morning at the Sardinia Regional Administrative Court.

The blitz decree

The object of the dispute is not trivial: the administrative judges are called upon to decide the fate of the blitz decree with which the Draghi government had authorized "manu militari" the construction of a devastating wind farm on the mountains of Bitti, precisely above the potential galleries of the cosmic "dream" that the Sardinian, Italian and European scientific world plans to realize precisely in that triangle between Bitti-Lula-Onanì. It was the Region that declared war on that administrative measure with which Palazzo Chigi had given authorization to stick the gigantic wind turbines of Siemens Gamesa into that proscenium.

State about-face

A provision signed by Mario Draghi which the State Attorney's Office initially attempted to defend only to then completely retract with the last note filed the night before yesterday's hearing, stating that in light of the new rules introduced to safeguard that In the area, the provision authorized in 2022 by the European banker's government is no longer valid. A lethal blow for the claims of the Gomoretta wind "slicers". Hopes already reduced to a minimum by the harangue of the number one regional lawyer Mattia Pani who left little margin for the other party: the Region was never involved in the proceedings and above all the rule that intervened sweeps away any doubts about the possible use of that environmental compendium and scientific to build that wind farm. However, a much more significant burden weighs on that project, that relating to the ownership of the authorization granted at the time by Mario Draghi to the Spanish multinational. With a real wind power "magic", in fact, the Iberians, after the Sardinian TAR and the Council of State had already spoken out heavily against that wind farm, on 22 July 2022 had sold, for ten million euros, companies and project to an unknown company, Spv Parco Eolico Maestrale srl. Yesterday, in Court, however, the two companies Gamesa and SPV, seller and buyer, were defended by the same lawyers, those of the Quorum firm in Milan. After the dispute, the judges declared the trial closed. The final sentence will be delivered in the next few days.

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