Massimo Fenu, the twenty-four year old from Villa San Pietro injured on Sunday in a hunting accident in the Is Canargius area, not far from the Monte Nieddu dam, remains hospitalized in intensive care at the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari.

The boy was engaged in a joke when he slipped into a gully. His hunting companions found him at the bottom of the cliff: he was unconscious, near a rock which he probably hit during his fall.

His condition immediately appeared very serious: the young man had been transferred to Brotzu on board the air ambulance, for hospitalization in intensive care. And Villa San Pietro even today is a town of concern.

Sunday was a black day for hunting in Sardinia: in the Is Cannoneris area Massimiliano Sabiu, a 59-year-old entrepreneur from Giba, was hit to death by a shotgun fired by a hunting companion, convinced he was shooting at a wild boar .


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