The continuous breakdowns that, especially during the rains or heavy humidity, punctually send dozens of public lighting street lamps into a tailspin have prompted the Urban Planning and Public Works commission of Carbonia to demand from the administration the list of plans under study to solve the problem .

The body chaired by the director Giacomo Guadagnini has in fact examined the last 20 years of management of the service managed over time by two companies, "and it has come to the conclusion that a series of advantageous contracts - underlines the director Guadagnini - provided for savings of up to to 30 per cent: we therefore ask ourselves if any economies have been set aside and above all what imminent programs are envisaged to deal with the problem of breakdowns».

Recently the blackout had affected the entire Piazza Ciusa and the square in front of the civic market, which remained in the dark for a week. According to the assessments offered by the administration itself, many of the problems would even be attributable to the fact that part of the electricity grid is more than 50 years old.

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