Motorists under investigation, accused or even convicted of road crimes will serve as "pedestrian assistants" on the streets of Cagliari , by virtue of a memorandum of understanding signed by the mayor Paolo Truzzu and Giacinto Picozza , president of the AFVS - Association Relatives and Victims of the Road, with the patronage of the Ministry of Justice and the National Association of Italian Municipalities.

The project - already active in Oristano and in six other Italian cities (Chieti, Arezzo, Pordenone, Udine and Bologna) - is called "Wheels still, pedestrians safe" and was designed for those who are responsible for accidents, driving in drunk or under the influence of drugs and has obtained the suspension of the proceedings with probation or has obtained a sentence in lieu of those provided for by law.

In the Sardinian capital he was promoted after the tragic death of Daniele Ulver , the little more than a year old boy run over and killed in via Cadello a year ago .

«The defendants/suspects/convicts - explains a note - will take on the role of "pedestrian assistants" adequately trained by the local police officers of Cagliari, and will supervise the pedestrian crossings at risk, facilitating the transit of pedestrians. Each user will be equipped with a high visibility bib and paddle. The association will make available to the city a total of 10 users in criminal execution for crimes in violation of the highway code ».

The intention is twofold: on the one hand to ensure greater protection for vulnerable road users, on the other to re-educate users subjected to alternative measures who have committed a crime in violation of the Highway Code.

«This activity – explains the AFVS – will allow them to internalize the seriousness of the crime committed and strengthen feelings of legality , affirming the culture of the public good. The "Wheels still, pedestrians safe" project will also be at no cost to the municipal administration as it is financed by the Fondo Vittime della Strada, set up by the Association, in which donations and payments converge in the context of probation and restorative justice". .

«Cagliari adds to the list of cities that have joined the project “Wheels stopped, pedestrians safe – underlined the president of AFV Picozza – another important territorial reality. We wanted the signing of this protocol very strongly, especially following the story that shocked the city in February 2022, when a motorcyclist ran over Daniele Ulver, just 14 months old who was crossing the pedestrian crossing with his mother in via Cadello. From today there will be an extra garrison to protect weak road users, also useful for the re-education of those who have broken the pact with justice".


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