From the Island of San Pietro to the capital. The investigation by the Prosecutor's Office into nautical licenses granted without taking the exam, thanks to an alleged proven system based on bribes, gifts and favours, also extends to the Port Authority of Cagliari.

After the first seventy suspects following the investigations into the activities of the Carloforte office, the investigation by the deputy prosecutor Andrea Vacca has now moved to the city and the number of names appearing in the register of suspects has more than doubled, reaching the point of oscillating between the 160 and 170 registered for corruption and forgery, with almost daily interrogations and a large number of confessions.

Among the army of suspects, many professionals from Cagliari, managers and even some names who have already appeared recently in the judicial news stand out. This is the case, for example, of Roberto Raimondi, who ended up in the investigation into appointments and favors (university professorships in a Roman telematic university and honorary degrees in an Albanian university) which also involves the outgoing governor Christian Solinas and his collaborator Chirstian Stevelli.

The details in the article by Franceco Pinna in the newspaper on newsstands and in the digital edition

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