The controversy in Cagliari flares up over smog. In the "Mal'Aria di città 2024" report by Legambiente on air pollution in Italian cities, the capital of Sardinia was among the top ten Italian cities with a greater presence of PM10 fine particles in the air.

«Disturbing news which only confirms what we have been saying for years now. The policies regarding traffic reduction and improvement of air quality implemented in the last decade by the municipal administration of Cagliari have not had the desired effects": this is the position of Giuseppe Farris, lawyer, who is already in the field for a candidacy for mayor at the head of a civic centre.

The former councilor maintains that «it is not necessary to be engineers or environmental experts to understand that the systematic narrowing of city streets carried out in the name of mobility that is sustainable only in name (the cycle paths have been unused for almost 13 years now and appear as monuments to nothing), the reduction of vehicle speed to 30 km/h even where there was no need, and the having transformed streets and avenues into motocross tracks by filling them with bumps (which put more people in danger lives than they would like to save), has resulted in an increase in traffic and pollution in the city".

But there is more, according to Farris: «The questionable actions in terms of traffic also concern the elimination of hundreds of public car parks which force motorists to make "donkey turns" in desperate search of a stop, thus determining further traffic and pollution".

So far our administrators, according to the aspiring mayor, «have concentrated their energies on trying to spend public funds at any cost. In a short time. Sacrificing an indispensable activity of analyzing the context in which to develop the so-called "alternative mobility". Inspired by a single goal: the war on private mobility. War never preceded by a complete analysis of the context and the offer of valid alternatives."


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