"I'm not yours, let me go. She's not yours, let her go." From the stairway of Bonaria, in Cagliari , the cry for freedom resounded loud and clear for all women victims of violence who have no voice, on the international day for the elimination of gender-based violence.

About twenty women, but also a few men, all with a red line drawn on the cheekbone. And on the palm of the hand, a "No" written in the same color. On the steps, the red shoes to symbolize the women victims of feminicide. During the flash mob, organized by Emiliana Scarpa, a pizza maker who won numerous awards, the sirens of the ships sounded from the port, as a sign of closeness and solidarity.

«For many women it is the day of sadness, scars and remembrance», the participants said aloud, «For many it is the present of a life made of violence, fear and danger. It's the day of too many women who have left us at the hands of a violent man who has forgotten what love is. Together we say no to all forms of violence".

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