A bitter awakening for the inhabitants of the Marina di Cagliari district who this morning found a fascist inscription in Piazza Savoia , the beating heart of the town. “ Fascist Zone ”, reads the wall – smeared with a black spray can – which now acts as a “frame” for the many tables and clubs, a daily destination for tourists and citizens looking for a moment to relax.

The outrage of the residents was immediate, which adds to the previous discontent over the closure of via Dettori and the work on the maxi construction site in via Roma . However, similar episodes would not be new in the city. The vandalism in Piazza Maria Lai , in the Castle, dates back to last May, where swastikas, Celtic crosses, phallic symbols, incitements to hatred and transphobic insults appeared.

In recent years, the corner of the city has become a meeting place for the activities of "Non una di Meno", the association that fights against discrimination and gender-based violence.


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