“Fortunately the attacked policemen are better . They are fathers of families and yesterday they acted with great professionalism , avoiding endangering both the lives of the assailants and the safety of citizens and those in the square. The agents of the Falchi group had been stationed in the area for a week and yesterday they blocked two Algerians arrested for resisting a public official, causing injury and drug dealing".

The commissioner of Cagliari Paolo Rossi intervenes on the serious episode that took place yesterday in Piazza del Carmine during a check on drug dealing. Rossi, exactly as declared in recent days by the prefect Giuseppe De Matteis , replies no to the request for a permanent police post in Piazza del Carmine but also in hot nightlife areas. " We can't militarize the city , but we can alternate frequent uniformed checks with continuous plainclothes investigative activity ."

Paolo Rossi also recalls that with the activation of the single number 112 there has been a strong skimming that allows the reasons for the requests for intervention to be divided upstream, allocating them specifically to the police forces but also to firefighters, local police, carabinieri. "This allows us to accelerate interventions".

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