A rear-end collision involving several cars sent the traffic into a tailspin on Viale Colombo in Quartu Sant'Elena , in the stretch of Lungosaline, close to the Molentargius canal.

Long lines of cars were formed right from the exit of the city and then towards the Poetto , where many swimmers were headed in search of a bit of coolness in these days of heat and weather alert.

At first, the arrival of the 118 ambulance made us think something serious had happened, but luckily no one was injured and transport to the hospital was not necessary.

To have the worst, as mentioned, was only the viability . The queues have formed since before the roundabout at the intersection with via San Benedetto and via Salieri, a nerve center of the area, where already every day in summer, due to the large influx towards the sea, long queues are created under the scorching sun. The situation returned to normal only after the local police officers finished their findings .

Apart from the sporadic case of the accident , the traffic problem in Viale Colombo has not yet been resolved . The main node is linked to the local market on Wednesday: the closure of Via Della Musica, in fact, hijacks all traffic in the avenue with consequent queues and protests. We have been talking about moving stalls for years but still everyone has remained where they are.

Another topic under discussion was that of the green wave. The traffic lights in the first section of the avenue from Via Marconi to Piazza Santa Maria do not go off at the same time and therefore, since they are close together, one after the other, queues are created.

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