Fausta Bonino, the nurse at the Piombino hospital who ended up on trial for the deaths of some patients, has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

This was decided by the Assize Court of Appeal at the second degree trial bis after the Cassation had annulled the woman's acquittal. Initially Bonino was accused of ten deaths: in the first instance she was sentenced to life imprisonment for four, on appeal she was acquitted. Subsequently, the Supreme Court ordered a new appeal for four dead patients, confirming the acquittal for the other six cases.

«We take note of the sentence, it revives the one in Livorno – comments the defender, lawyer Vinicio Nardo -. We are curious to read how the reasoning will be made because there are many doubts in this matter, many inconsistencies, many facts that do not add up and therefore the Court of Assizes of Appeal will now have the task of putting these things in line, if it succeeds We will see. We will definitely appeal to the Supreme Court . This ordeal has lasted for eight years for her."

Bonino, who has always professed her innocence, is accused of having injected heparin - an anticoagulant which, if taken in large quantities, causes internal bleeding - into four patients, causing their deaths. The deaths occurred between 2014 and 2015 among patients in the intensive care unit where the nurse worked. The investigation dates back to 2016.


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