« There is a Giacomo with an alb, and a Giacomo without an alb. And there must be no doubt about this ."

Giacomo Urtis uses his Instagram profile to reply to "Hands off Hippocrates" , who had asked the Medical Association to take action against the Sardinian surgeon. Not for Urtis' sexual orientation, the association specified but, referring to recent photos of the surgeon, for "the terrible image he is giving to the medical profession, which for centuries has been an emblem of professionalism, austerity and composure".

«In an era in which we talk about rights, gay marriage, political correctness, film adaptations and blue fairies who become gay men of colour, it is a little disheartening that it is not yet clear what the boundary is between public and private", Urtis continues in his reply.

« Is this political correctness – the surgeon asks – applied only in contexts where it is easy to use? ».

Then Urtis lets himself go into a personal outburst: «I have spent my whole life struggling with prejudices, mental and physical suffering. Today that I have finally reached my balance and started living my sexual sphere in total serenity, I do not accept that my professionalism is trampled upon . If I ever made a mistake at work I would be the first to admit it. But if I live my sexuality the way I want to live it, and someone doesn't agree, then I can only accept Giacomo, or Jenny, being attacked. But not Dr. Urtis."

The rejoinder from "Hands off Hippocrates" is harsh and immediate: "In these hours many colleagues have been outraged by seeing photos of you with your behind exposed, or the one straddling a mortadella or the one dressed as a Playboy bunny ."

Again: «The medical profession is subject to rules called code of ethics. Dear colleague Urtis, we invite you to maintain decorum, you are a doctor! We have reported you to the Sassari association where you are registered and we will continue to do so every time you publish a photo that damages the honor of the medical profession ."


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