She was the first woman quaestor in Sardinia, the land where she grew up even if her origins are Lombard. Giusy Stellino's police career is studded with records. Not least the one related to the most recent assignment, at the helm of the Livorno police station. Here, in the building in via della Banca, that office was occupied for the first time by a woman.

"Even if - he underlines - I don't like talking about primates, perhaps the appointment as quaestor on the island was a novelty, but I think a woman in these positions will increasingly be the norm". Quaestor, quaestor or the quaestor? «The commissioner simply for a question of sound, I have absolutely no preclusions. In fact, in a few years the problem won't arise again».

In his curriculum there are numerous nominations and as many awards, a career spent between Milan, Rome, Sassari, Nuoro, Oristano, Ravenna .

Born in 1963, born in Busto Arsizio (Varese), she grew up in Sardinia, with a short parenthesis, when she was very young, in Romania. His father, a chemist, worked in Porto Torres and the family then moved to Sassari. «I attended all the schools there and also the University. My childhood friends, the historical ones, are there».

How did the decision to join the Police come about?

«I wanted to do something useful, I had friends in the police force and this path thrilled me. I took the competition, I passed it and then I went to Rome. It all started in 1990».

If he hadn't, who would he be today?

“How many times do I ask myself that, even now. I don't know actually. After high school, we took a trip to Florence with some friends and thought we'd enroll in Architecture. Then, due to a whole series of situations, I instead returned to Sassari and chose Law».

Supported by family?

«My parents have always given me ample freedom, and the possibility of having other experiences abroad, for example in London. However, I have developed the conviction that anything can happen, and you never know what life has in store for you».

What did you bring from your office in Sardinia?

«There is something material, but it's all still in the moving boxes. I've been in Livorno for just over a month, arriving from Ravenna where I stayed for two years, and I have to sort out many things. In reality, what I bring with me cannot fit in boxes, it is much bigger and very intense».

For example?

«In each of the cities I've worked in, I've met beautiful people, different communities united by a strong feeling of welcome».

In Sassari, for example, where did you direct the flying squad?

«That is now my adopted city, let's call it that. I experienced operations in the strict sense, an exciting reality. The investigations experienced from the inside involve you very much».

In Nuoro?

«I was vicar of the quaestor, and I had a great time. From a work point of view and also privately, with neighbors, to mention one circumstance, affectionate and caring. He doesn't know how many times, knowing that I was coming home late, they made me find something for dinner. They will be small attentions, perhaps not exceptional for Sardinians in general, but important for me, and I will always remember them".

In Oristano?

« My first seat as quaestor . It is clear that the approach changes, mine was a more institutional figure and less involved in the field. But even there, and I repeat myself, I met wonderful people, colleagues who still send me Sardinian desserts. Which I appreciate, of course."

Do you follow the chronicles of Sardinia from Livorno?

«Yes, but with the eye of any reader, when you change - city, job, environment - you have to look ahead. Start a new life and always busy on new fronts. Naturally I read what is happening, perhaps in a more "soft" way, without the thought of having to find the starting point for something concerning public order, let's say».

You have toured various regions, what are the elements that distinguish them from the point of view of crime?

«Making distinctions is difficult because I have held different positions. I certainly know Sardinia better because I have worked in direct contact with the whole world of crime. In Ravenna I can say that there are frequent cases of thefts in apartments, which we tried to counter with dedicated services. The citizen of Ravenna in general always denounces, he has great faith in the institutions ».

Sardinian right?

«The Nuorese is a little more suspicious, without wanting to generalize. When I was there, particular attention was paid to the attacks on the police forces, on institutional figures, it was the manifestation of dissent. Now many things have changed, one of the messages that I care about in a particular way is passing more».


“Police close to citizens. At the service of citizens. And to do this it is very important, for example, to start approaching tomorrow's adults right from school. There are many police projects that provide for meetings with primary school students and then gradually the other levels.

In your opinion, what are the "emergencies" today?

«Work is fundamental from a safety point of view, then the lack of work has many consequences. This is one of the points together with the need for territorial control. Always then particular attention to the phenomenon of drug dealing, in Livorno the port is closely followed by all the police forces, exactly as happens for the Sardinian ports, and of the scams against the elderly. Those of a certain age who fall into the trap of some evildoer are often ashamed to tell what happened. Instead he must receive support from the family, and turn to the police ».

The most delicate investigation you have followed in your career?

«In Faenza, a case of feminicide. Finding the person responsible, then the arrest: following these activities has a lot of impact on the operational and also emotional front. Do you know some aspects that maybe they will face later in the trial and that will surely affect you ».

And in Sardinia?

«In Sassari the one on the exploitation of prostitution, the so-called "trafficking of Nigerian women". You listen to the interceptions and everything involves you. Well, I miss that efficiency now a little».

But will he return to Sardinia?

«This is my only certainty for when I retire. I don't look back and I don't look forward, I don't make plans that inevitably fail. For now I want to work and live in this new city for me. And I'm thinking of Sardinia, yes».

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