The public prosecutor's office of Ivrea (Turin) has entered the first two names in the register of suspects for the Brandizzo railway massacre that cost the lives of five workers run over by a passing train. The first name in the file is that of Antonio Massa, 46, from Grugliasco (Turin), RFI employee at the construction site where the victims of the Sigifer company in Borgovercelli worked. According to the prosecutor's hypothesis, he should have prevented the workers from starting the construction site while awaiting the passage of the train that overwhelmed them. The second is that of Sigifer site manager Andrea Girardin Gibi, 52 years old from Borgo Vercelli. Colleague of the five victims, he is saved by a miracle because he saw the headlights of the arriving train and managed to move onto the second track.

The Ivrea public prosecutor's office is investigating a culpable railway disaster and multiple manslaughter: "As regards the speed of the shunting train - write the Railways in a note -, the conditions of the line allowed it to reach a maximum speed of 160 km/h in that section h. The question is another: the works, according to the procedure, should have started only after the passage of that train". In parallel with that of the judiciary, an internal investigation by the Ministry of Transport was also opened, commissioned by Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini.

From the first checks «emerge serious violations of the safety procedure at the time of the accident. There are profiles of responsibility for which some people will be investigated shortly» announced Gabriella Viglione, chief prosecutor of Ivrea.


The two workers were in shock as they saw five of their colleagues die before their eyes, overwhelmed by the train that hit them full-on two nights ago in Brandizzo , along the Milan-Turin line. Antonio Massa and Andrea Girardin Gibin, 46 and 52 years old, after being examined by the staff of an ambulance, were taken to the hospital where they were assisted from a psychological point of view.

“I heard the train arrive – said Gibin -, I looked up and saw it. I just had time to instinctively throw myself to the side". Antonio Massa, from Grugliasco (Turin), an employee of Rfi, was on another track, intent on writing.

There were seven of them in the night between Wednesday and yesterday working on that stretch, they were changing a few meters of the railway near the station. The convoy, from the first findings, was traveling at 160 km/h and overwhelmed, killing them, Kevin Laganà, 22 years old, originally from Messina, residing in Vercelli; Michael Zanera , 34, from Vercelli; Giuseppe Sorvillo, 43, originally from Capua but residing in Brandizzo; Giuseppe Saverio Lombardo, born in Marsala but resident in Vercelli; Giuseppe Aversa, 49, from Chivasso.


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