A typewritten leaflet with death threats was delivered signed by the Informal Anarchist Federation (Fai) to some Italian companies .

The threats would concern, among others, a manager of a company based in Turin but who would not work in the Piedmontese capital.

The text expresses solidarity with Alfredo Cospito , the anarchist who has been carrying out a hunger strike against the 41bis for over a hundred days.

"Fai, an informal anarchist federation, does not forget Alfredo and the other comrades and in response to the attack on the freedom of the anarchist movement will strike men to kill the structures", reads the leaflet.

The manager identified as a target is described in the letter as "the dark soul of market operations, at the service of the war that fuels death in Ukraine": the anarchists threaten to "beat him to death in front of his family" .

THE PD REQUESTS INFORMATION ON THE COSPITO CASE – A hearing in the Supreme Court has been set for 24 February on the Cospito case. For the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio , the prisoner remains dangerous, as confirmed by "the multiplication of intimidatory actions by the anarchist-insurrectionist galaxy that he is still able to direct". The Keeper of the Seals has therefore reiterated in recent days that he has no second thoughts about his decision to reject the request for revocation of article 41 bis .

On the matter, the Democratic Party, with the group leader Debora Serracchiani, requested urgent information from the Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi in the Chamber. "Considering the recent statements by the prime minister, according to which the climate is 'dangerously overheating', if there is this attack on the state, we ask for urgent information from Minister Piantedosi so that an issue that cannot be confined to a few newspapers or some declarations in order to welcome the appeal for unity launched by the Prime Minister with respect to what is happening», said the exponent of the Democratic Party.


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