It is still red alert in Emilia Romagna , overwhelmed by the bad weather that has been raging in the region for days , with landslides, floods and cities submerged in water .

There are 13 victims , 4,000 displaced persons and 13,000 people evacuated . Thanks to the 300 millimeters of rain that fell in 48 hours in the Forlì area and the 21 flooded rivers . But there would also be some missing, as reported by the President of the Region Stefano Bonaccin i. "I will propose another 20 million for Emilia Romagna, 30 in all," added the Minister for Civil Protection Nello Musumeci .

THE SOLIDARITY OF SARDINIAN EMIGRANTS – A river of water invaded and devastated the two bars that the Nuoro entrepreneur Adamo Pittalis, 42, had opened in the center of Forlì. The damage is incalculable. The friends of the “Sardi in Romagna” association led by Ubaldo Serra, from Ghilarza, who has lived in Ravenna for many years, help him in these difficult hours. The machine of solidarity has been set in motion. A virtuous circuit that feeds the hope of rebirth. The association offers concrete help to Adamo Pittalis and other people who have homes and businesses devastated by the cyclone that hit Emilia-Romagna. The team of Sardinian volunteers, together with a group of people from Romagna, are at work in these hours to free the two rooms from water, mud and debris . «I thank them sincerely. Their generosity is a great injection of confidence for me», commented Pittalis.

The video (by Massimiliano Rais):

THE VICTIMS – Among the latest confirmed victims, husband and wife aged 73 and 71, found dead in their apartment in Russi , a municipality in the Ravenna area, invaded by water due to the flood. Perhaps they had returned home to recover an appliance, death by electrocution is not excluded. And then, in Sant'Agata sul Santerno , a bedridden elderly man found in the house and a currently unidentified woman died, while the body of a man was found in a house in Castel Bolognese who apparently did not want to leave at all. arrival of the waters . There is also a missing person in Boncellino.

Meanwhile, on the "field", the fury of the water does not stop. In Faenza some areas that can only be reached by boat and today the schools , in most of the municipalities affected - between Cesena and Bologna - have remained closed. During the night then new floods especially in the Ravenna area. Evacuations are still underway also in Castel Bolognese where there was a problem of lack of drinking water. The Municipality distributed the water where it could and a tanker arrived at the sports hall. In Lombardy, Marche and Tuscany, on the other hand, there is an orange alert. Yellow in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Lazio and Molise , while earthquakes of magnitude 3.6 and 3.2 were detected in the night in northeastern Sicily .

Pending the "ceasefire", the Imola F1 Grand Prix was canceled over the weekend by decision of the organizers. The Bruce Springsteen concert in Ferrara is held regularly .

On the agenda, Tuesday 23 , a Council of Ministers on the emergency .

«DAMAGE FOR A FEW BILLION» – «The extent of the devastation of the bad weather is that of another earthquake : the damage will be quantitatively smaller, but it will be of a few billion euros – the words of Stefano Bonaccini – As for the earthquake we will rebuild everything: in the government we have having said that we need many resources , but also expeditious regulations, there is a need for an extraordinary commissioner , obligations for workers, to extend deadlines, mortgage installments, many investments. Unfortunately we have a great deal of experience in this matter. Institutions must be obsessed with being close to people».


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