He allegedly tried to steal a sacred wooden statue in a temple, but was caught and arrested .

The balance of the vacation of the 27-year-old from Brescia , professor of Visual Arts at the Santa Giulia Academy, would therefore be negative. The man was allegedly stopped by local authorities while he was intent on collecting archaeological finds while visiting a temple in Bhaktapur .

According to the defense he would have taken and observed the objects and then put them back where they were originally. The story was confirmed by sources from the Farnesina . They specified that there are no cameras on site and that the Nepalese legislation on the protection of cultural and sacred heritage is particularly strict .

The arrest , specify Italian diplomatic sources, would have taken place last Monday . The intervention of the Italian embassy was immediate. The young man - who has now been hospitalized due to previous health problems - received a visit from the consul Gianluca Rubagotti, who arrived at the Katmandu hospital. His health conditions are not serious.


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