While the drought alarm is growing in Lower Gallura and Baronia, a summit is scheduled in Cagliari in the afternoon, promoted by the Region, after the protests following the latest decision of the basin authority.

The provision ordered the Reclamation Consortium to provide water only to the Abbanoa purification plants. But in this way entire hamlets and dozens of large tourist facilities would be cut off.

The mayors of Budoni, San Teodoro, Siniscola, Posada and Torpè, the leaders of Abbanoa, Egas and the central Sardinia land reclamation consortium were summoned by president Alessandra Todde.

We will take stock of the serious situation, but above all we will prepare an emergency plan to deal with the very serious water crisis in the area.

The reserves in the Maccheronis reservoir, despite the latest rains, continue to decline. As of yesterday there were just under 8 million cubic meters. A quantity completely insufficient to quench the thirst of residents and tourists.

Water to the countryside, except for animals, has been blocked for some time. There are two immediately viable solutions: wells and desalination plants. Thinking of supplying hundreds of thousands of people only with tankers appears unrealistic.

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