Two pedestrian assistants in via Peretti after the tragedy that yesterday claimed the life of Xuanming Guan, the sixteen-year-old Chinese boy who was hit and killed while crossing the pedestrian crossing to catch the bus that would take him to school.

That road is not safe, hence the proposal of the Association of Family Members and Road Victims , which since last September has launched, in collaboration with the local police and the Municipality of Cagliari, the "Wheels stopped, pedestrians safe" project, which precisely provides for the establishment of the figure of pedestrian assistant to ensure greater safety at the most risky crossings .

The assistants who are included in the project carry out public utility work such as probation or alternative punishment. They work under the supervision of the Interdistrict Office of External Criminal Enforcement of the Ministry of Justice

The association, «joining the pain of Xuanming Guan's family», will propose to the Municipality and the Police of Cagliari to place two assistants to prevent tragedies, precisely «in light of the numerous reports received regarding the criticality represented by via Peretti» .


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