Cagliari residents and traders have been waiting for 112 days in via Dettori, closed since 8 January due to damage to some buildings at risk of collapse.

They are waiting for the organizational machine (Municipality, Court, Abbanoa), turned on immediately after the alarm in January, to start moving now. The investigations should have begun this week , the Municipality announces that on Friday there was an initial inspection with the company that will have to carry out the excavations to understand the causes that caused the damage to the buildings but does not give certainties on the times.

Residents (without a home) and traders (without work and waiting for months for the refreshments promised by the Region) are increasingly angry : "No one is able to give us a date," says a resident. «We want to have certainties, we have no interlocutor. Please tell us when the excavations will start and the safety works will end. We need to go back to our homes and reopen commercial activities ».

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