The UDC deserts the hall and so the Alghero municipal council skips for the approval of the 2023 budget. After the count of the majority councilors and the general discussion with the critical interventions of various opposition members, the session is been updated. Christian Mulas and Nina Ansini, from the Crusader Shield party, did not show up at Lo Quarter, in open controversy with the mayor Mario Conoci.

«22 agendas presented in 4 years – explains Mulas – and all remained a dead letter. We work, we are committed, but we are not taken into consideration».

Meanwhile, the centre-left minority has launched an attack on the accounting document. «The usual technical balance, without a political vision and on which the majority councilors themselves were not informed, so much so that from the majority benches no councilor intervened to defend the non-choices of the Conoci Administration», write the Per Alghero groups, Common future, Left in common and PD. «The political group of the UDC, fed up with their proposals not being listened to by the mayor and the majority, decides not even to participate in the council. Other councilors get lost during the session. In short, a total Caporetto for Conoci and his majority. Now the mayor is left with only one possible act: his resignation," closes the communiqué from his political opponents.

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