More than two in a hundred Sardinian motorists confess to having used their smartphone to shoot a video while driving a car. But, if we consider the testimonies of passengers, which therefore go beyond the admissions of those responsible, the percentage of drivers who film the road, passers-by or some curiosity with their cell phones rises up to 9%.

These are some of the dangerous behaviors while driving revealed by the third edition of the research on users' driving styles, commissioned by Anas and conducted by Csa Research - Corporate Statistics Center - with interviews on a sample of 4 thousand people and with over 5 thousand direct observations on road, presented today as part of the conference "Road safety: zero victims objective".

The initiative was organized by Anas, Piarc (World Road Association) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, on the occasion of the World Day in Remembrance of Road Victims. When interviewed about their driving style , Sardinians define themselves as perfect or almost perfect: 93% say they always respect the speed limit even in the absence of speed cameras, 90% say they never use their mobile phone even when stopped at traffic lights.

Sardinian motorists define themselves as almost irreproachable when it comes to seat belts, turning manoeuvres, arrows and alcohol. The percentages are lowered, sometimes halved, when Sardinian motorists are asked to judge the behavior of other drivers. The two most perceived incorrect behaviors concern speed limits, which according to those interviewed are respected by only 41.4% of other motorists, and the use of mobile phones while driving, only in 35.3% of cases. (HANDLE).

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