There is still no date, but it is certain that an extraordinary assembly of the Union of Municipalities of Trexenta will be convened in days to discuss problems in the health sector.

This was announced by the mayor of Guasila and president of the inter-municipal body, Paola Casula , after having learned of the story of the disabled young man from Ortacesus for months waiting to receive, on prescription from the physiatrist, the walker essential for getting around.

"For some time, together with fellow mayors of the area, we have asked the Region for decisive and decisive interventions to strengthen the Senorbì health clinic which apparently is no longer able to provide quality services to the population of Trexenta", said Casula who, as as mayor of Guasila, she also finds herself having to face the age-old question of the lack of a pediatrician in her country: "From this point of view too we are waiting for regional policy to keep its promises".

The mayors, once again, are ready to join forces to reopen the health dispute. "This absolute lack of attention towards the territory is not acceptable," adds the mayor of Selegas, Alessio Piras.

The Trexenta outpatient clinic is less efficient today than it was about ten years ago, and with the Covid-19 emergency the situation has considerably worsened. Furthermore, several retired doctors have not yet been replaced, the result is the continuous lengthening of waiting lists. Expectations are also growing for the start of work for the construction of the Senorbì health home.

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